I was born in Limburg, Belgium, somewhere in those colourful seventies.
I studied journalism and enjoy to engage in painting art, poetry (haiku) and online activism.
My inspiration has different sources - everything around and in ourselves shapes a 'school of the senses' which shouldn't imply any poetic borders nor censorship.
Wintersalon Kunstkring Heikracht "Favorieten" from 11/1 to 26/1 - CC De Adelberg Lommel.
And here's my newest! 'Een varken heeft wel een krul in zijn staart' is available on my webshop. 100 animal haiku, bundled in one paperback.
A fresh batch of haiku has been released. [ het woord is nu aan mij ! ] (Dutch) available now in my webshop.
Copyright @ Ingrid Hoeben. All Rights Reserved.