Bio and News


I was born in Limburg, Belgium, somewhere in those colourful seventies.

I studied journalism and enjoy to engage in painting art, poetry (haiku) and online activism.

My inspiration has different sources - everything around and in ourselves shapes a 'school of the senses' which shouldn't imply any poetic borders nor censorship.


January 2025

Wintersalon Kunstkring Heikracht "Favorieten" from 11/1 to 26/1 - CC De Adelberg Lommel.

June 2018

And here's my newest! 'Een varken heeft wel een krul in zijn staart' is available on my webshop. 100 animal haiku, bundled in one paperback.

December 20, 2017

A fresh batch of haiku has been released. [ het woord is nu aan mij ! ] (Dutch) available now in my webshop.